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Home > London > SE1 > Miller Of Mansfield

Miller Of Mansfield




The Miller Of Mansfield was situated at 82 Snowsfields. This pub has now been demolished, with a modern reincarnation built on the other side of the road.
Source: Ian Chapman
My dad is now 86 and is pretty much terminally ill but amazingly, against the odds is still with us.I’ve been trying to get a more detailed picture of his life around the war. He lived in Snowsfields in Bermondsey before and after the war, a street now completely overlooked by Guys Hospital on the non-river side. Luckily he has treatment there two days a week which pleases him mightily! As he was very working class and as Snowsfields was a poor area the community was based around its pubs.
He mentions a few pubs from around there, the closes being ‘The Miller of Mansfield’ almost directly opposite from where my dad lived at 97 Snowsfields. He says the doctors and nurses would hold celebrations in the upstairs of the pub and if he went to his next door neighbours he could look into the upstairs of the pub from the upstairs of the house. It was always a lively place he said.
More or less next to the pub was a lady who always wore black. I think her name was Liz. Apparently every night she would go to the small bar of the pub with a jar/flask and have it filled with beer and then take it home!
Bella Woodmansterne (December 2020)

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