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Home > London > SE18 > Old Sheer Hulk

Old Sheer Hulk

Picture source: Graeme Fox

The Old Sheer Hulk was situated on Woolwich Church Street, opposite Woolwich Dockyard gatehouse.
I lived at 192 Woolwich Church Street, next door to the Old Sheer Hulk, on and off from 1935 to 1946. “Off” because there was a war on, which necessitated evacuation. I occasionally played with the two brothers, children of the landlord, named Bond. (sometimes in the bar when closed, more often in a back storeroom with old pintables for which of course one didn’t have to pay).
It was said that there was a closed tunnel running from their cellar to the Thames – I.e. under Woolwich Dockyard. A likely story!?
Lewis Smith (October 2018)

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