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Home > London > SE15 > Maismore Arms

Maismore Arms

Picture source: Les Ennis

The Maismore Arms was situated at 104 Peckham Park Road. This pub has now been demolished.
Source: Darkstar
Back in 1959 with friends from Clubland in Walworth Road we formed a football club, Stamford. For many years we held our meetings in a room above the pub, after the meeting we would spend the rest of the evening in the bar, playing darts and cards. We had great rapport with the landlord, a really nice Irish guy, unfortunately I can’t remember his name. Two of our members Laurie and Bob lived on that block. Good memories.
Ted Masters (March 2021)

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Name Dates Comments
Denise Dominy Bradstreet 1940s to 1980s  My nan and gramps lived in the flats just a short walk away. My gramps Bill Hough would play the piano some time. My nan's name was Mary, and my mother was Gloria. I was last in London in 1974. I was 16/17 at the time. Had such fun and made many friends with the kids in the surrounding flats. Always went and hung out with my two brothers and friends at Peckham  Park  across the street. If there is anyone out there who may share some fond and wonderful memories of a time gone by, please share with me. I live in Florida, and the grand daughter of Mary and Bill, My Mother was Gloria, obviously. So there you have it. I still have aunts/uncles and cousins in England, but have fallen out of touch.