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Home > London >
NW8 > Heroes Of The Alma
Heroes Of The Alma

Date of photo: 1975 |
Picture source:
Timothy Keane |
The Heroes Of The Alma was situated at 11 Alma
Square, off Abbey Road. The Beatles used to visit, between recording
sessions. Closed in 2002 it is now used as a private dwelling. |
This was a very local pub to where I lived in
Hall Road around 1972, and was a regular for Sunday lunchtimes.
There was a rather ‘camp’ barman and his partner who may have been the
owners. I’m afraid I don’t recall names. Every Sunday afternoon at closing
time he would ring the large bar bell and declare: “Fingers out! Dickies
Now outwardly this seems a bit rude and probably unlikely to be announced in
any modern day pub! However anyone who recalls the barman would recollect
the totally humorous and absolutely harmless intention. It was simply the
camp humour of the day. The fact that I recall it with affection after 40
years must say something about 70s attitudes and humour! |
John Gardiner (October 2014) |
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Name |
Dates |
Comments |
Didier |
1980 |
Bert Hayes |
1964-1966 |
I used to occasionally drink there
with a good ex school mate. There used to be an old guy who unofficially
collected the empty glasses. The batman/owner? Was a short bald guy. I
have happy memories of sitting outside in the summer sun sinking a pint
or two. I remember seeing Matt Munro sinking a whiskey there dressed in
a camel haired coat. They were happy carefree days with my whole life
before me. |
Robert Deahm |
1972 |
I lived for a short time in
Hamilton Gardens, just around the corner from "the heroes". Being an
Aussie I was used to "cold" beer, and the barman would welcome me with:
"my little aussie mate" and proceed to drop a small clump of ice in my
beer. I tried to tell him that this only diluted the beer. .
Nevertheless some good chats were had at the bar. |
Sally Smith |
1972 |
I lived in a shared ground floor
garden flat on Alma Sq., friends and I have wonderful memories of
enjoying many pints here. The community ambiance of this gorgeous London
pub was fabulous. Sadly the pedestrian crossing was the closest I go to
the Beatles! |
Paul Knowler |
1978-1984 |
A regular at the Heroes from my 18th! Benny
the barman would add "BAT" to the round which was "Benny's Awful Thirst"
and paid of a bottle of Guinness. He would work his way through a crate
and could be seen arguing with the post box at closing time. My best
spots were Kate Bush enjoying a glass of wine and Boy George who lived
locally. Happy days at the Alma. |
Other Photos |
Picture source: T C |