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Home > London > N7 > Holloway Station Hotel

Holloway Station Hotel

Picture source: T C

The Holloway Station Hotel was situated at 295 Holloway Road. This pub closed in 2015 at which time it was known as The Metro. It was demolished c2016 with a student accommodation block built on the site.
My dad Emmanuel Hand worked at the Holloway station road pub in 1993-1994. I saw my Dad on Saturday 14th May took me out etc then took me home to my mum. That evening a customer had an argument with my Dad, arsenal and man utd played that evening, my dad was man u and customer was arsenal, it is said in newspaper reports that Warren mathurin kept pestering the barmaids and on several occasions before that fateful day, he was told to leave and did. 15-45 minutes later he returned from his home called my Dad out who unknowing knew what was going to happen, he shouldn't of gone out, they fought bouncers at door trying to stop Mathurin but he pulled a 9 inch knife out then stabbed my dad to death 3 times in chest, my dad got to Whittington hospital but died an hour later. Mathurin pleaded manslaughter but at court was murder, got sentenced to life Imprisonment 15-25 years, he got released after 17 years got out November 2011.
Emma Gibbens (May 2021)

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Other Photos
Date of photo: 2008

Picture source: Denis Hoare

Site of The Holloway Station Hotel, 2021

Picture source: Denis Hoare