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Home > London > N1 > Peacock Tavern

Peacock Tavern

Picture source: T C


The Peacock Tavern was situated at 11 Islington High Street. Now in commercial use at ground level. An Islington historical plaque on the front indicates that a pub has stood here since 1564. This incarnation closed in 1962.
In Nicholas Nickleby the protagonist suffers an uncomfortable coach journey to this pub as he travels to Yorkshire: ‘Between the manual exertion and the mental anxiety attendant upon this task, he was not a little relieved when the coach stopped at the Peacock at Islington.’ (Ch. 5) In Tom Brown’s Schooldays Tom and his father stay there prior to him travelling to the Midlands to start at his new school: ‘Tally-ho coach for Leicester'll be round in half an hour, and don't wait for nobody.” So spake the boots of the Peacock Inn Islington, at half-past two o'clock on the morning of a day in the early part of November 183-, giving Tom at the same time a shake by the shoulder,’

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