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Home > London > N16 > The Nevill

The Nevill

Picture source: Ann Holmes

The Nevill was situated on the corner of Nevill Road and Osterley Road. Formerly known as The Nevill Arms.
A 169lb incendiary bomb from a Zeppelin fell into this Italianate-style former pub's garden on 31st May 1915, which fortunately did not explode. Having been converted to residential in the 2000s, until recently, this former Charrington's pub building had a plaque, erected by Hackney Borough Council which stated:

To fall from a Zeppelin on London
dropped in the garden of
The Nevill Arms public house
30 May 2015

The plaque has since been removed as it was established that the first bomb had actually fallen in nearby Alkham Road on the 31st May with The Nevill Arms being hit later on the same date.
Movement80 (November 2019)

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