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Home > London > EC4 > Baynard Castle

Baynard Castle

Date of photo: 1969

Picture source: Timothy Keane

The Baynard Castle was situated at 148 Queen Victoria Street.  This pub is now used as a bar/restaurant.

I worked there for about 3 weeks in December 1979, I had just arrived in London from a Top Deck Kathmandu to London trip & wanted somewhere to work & stay for a couple of weeks before heading to Sweden for Christmas with my Sister. The driver from the trip had advised the Governor was an OK bloke & helped Kiwi’s. I went & saw him, he said they had no job’s but because where I was staying was a bit expensive, he said move in tomorrow & he’d fit me in. I arrived the next day and he said just go around & pick up glass’s, one of the other Kiwi’s there got me serving beer’s etc & worked there till I left for Sweden just before Christmas. Story, I remember most was at either end bar there was a large bottle of Whiskey with a nip pourer, (I remember one was Bells)  & customer’s would come in & they had to have the whiskey from the bottle they requested, if we got it from the wrong bottle they refused it, as they could taste the difference. Well just before I left, I was down in the cellar & here was the Governor filling both bottles from the same crate of whisky bottles.

Robert Hammerton (June 2023)
I first became aware of the Baynard Castle when I started working in Central London in the late 1970's. It as a good pub to finish a crawl of EC4 on as it was close to Blackfriars Station and was one of the few pubs in the area that stayed open until 11pm. I believe it was one of the first pubs in London to install pool tables.
Colin Price (July 2023)

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Tanya Hopkins 1989/1990 Worked and lived in the pub for a couple of months with my partner. The owners were Phil & Maggie Curtis & they had 3 daughters. The other barmen were Adrian (Welsh guy) & Dave. We had great fun working there & met some lovely fellas that worked over the road at British Telecom. Mickey was their security guard who was a regular customer. It was spooky to be there alone. I would love to get in touch with Maggie, Phil or their daughters..
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Picture source: T C