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Home > London > E11 > British Queen

British Queen

Picture source: Darkstar

The British Queen was situated at 63 New Wanstead. It is now used as a steakhouse, called Queens.

Now converted to flats.
Colin Price (January 2020)
Our "local" during our teenage and early 20s years for myself and a smallish group of friends, before we all grew up and went our various ways. The mid to late 1950s saw a musical craze called skiffle - a pretty basic form of country-type music and some of us performed as a skiffle group each Thursday evening in the public bar. We must have been at least halfway reasonable as we were never booed or thrown out. I only recall 3 members of that group - Pete Poyser on vocals and guitar, Johnny Faulkner a very good guitarist (has played in Dublin pubs practically to this day) and myself on drums.
The licencees were a couple named Sid & Doris and I recall their son acquiring a quantity of very powerful fireworks which we ignited one Guy Fawkes Night - and managed to destroy the small bike shed-type building at the back of the pub! I also remember one evening we were playing when a customer produced a trumpet from its case and "sat in" with us for some fair while. It turned out that he was a professional trumpeter with Ken Mackintosh's band and he'd just come in to the pub for a drink on his way home.
Roger Godbold (July 2020)

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Date of photo: 2012

Picture source: Colin Price