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Home > Lincolnshire > Stamford > Stag & Pheasant

Stag & Pheasant

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Picture source: Hania Franek

The Stag & Pheasant was situated at 14 Broad Street. This grade-II listed pub originally opened as The New Salutation Inn in 1799. It is now used as a dentists surgery.

Listed building details:
Mid C18 front on earlier house. 2 storeys in painted ashlar. Stone slate roof with small parapet. Good moulded stone cornice. Painted plinth. Coursed rubble to side. 5 windows, with lower 2-storey wing with one hipped dormer on left side with one window. Windows in main block have double-hung sashes, with glazing bars on 1st floor. 2nd floor windows have stepped rusticated surrounds, 1st floor windows have rusticated stepped lintels and 5-part keystones. Ground floor windows have keystone Stepped rusticated surround to recessed C19 door. The extension is brick to side. One round-headed window on 1st floor, double-hung sash with glazing bars. Datestone 1663 incorporated in new brick west gable.
From Lincolnshire Heritage.
The main block of this building dates from the second quarter of the 18th century although it may incorporate parts of a 17th century structure in the rear wing. It became the New Salutation Inn in 1799. The western section includes 17th century elements at the rear but was much altered around 1800 when it became a wine shop. The stables on the east side of the plot were described as new in 1819. The main range has an 18th century roof whilst the rear wing has a clasped purlin roof which may be of 17th century date. A reset date stone in the west gable is inscribed 'IB 1663'. The interior includes several panelled rooms (some of the panelling is reset) and an 18th century staircase.
This building has a mid 18th century front on an earlier house. It is two storeys in height and is constructed of ashlar stone with a slate roof. A datestone of 1663 is reset in the new brick west gable. For the full description and the legal address of this listed building please refer to the appropriate List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.

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You can also make email contact with other ex-customers and landlords of this pub by adding your details to this page.
Name Dates Comments
Bruce Neilson 1944 I was born in this pub in 1944 my grandmother Mrs Jeffcote was the landlady

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Picture source: Admin