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Lincolnshire >
Lincoln > Seven Stars
Seven Stars
The Seven Stars was situated at 9 Waterside
South. This pub was present by 1861 when William Andrew was publican. It
closed c1890 and has now been demolished, with the site lying underneath a
branch of Wilkinsons. |
From the archives: |
On 18th August 1862
Owen Loughran,
was accused at Lincoln Quarter Sessions of
stealing a cloth coat from
William Andrew of the Seven Stars. |
Eliza Ponson,
13, was charged with stealing the sum of 9s belonging to her master, Mr
William Andrew, keeper of The Seven Stars refreshment rooms and grocery
establishment, on Waterside South, on June 19th 1861. Mr Andrew stated that
on the night in question he went to bed leaving the chamber door open. On
rising on the following morning he missed £3 15s from his trousers' pocket.
He mentioned the matter to his wife thinking she might have taken it, but
such not proving to be the case, it was decided to keep the matter secret.
In the course of two or three days, Ponson began to purchase trinkets,
crinoline, etc, and a policeman was sent for. PC asked the prisoner if she
had got the money, to which she had replied she had found 5s lying on the
chamber floor. On her arrival at the night station she confessed to stealing
9s altogether. The magistrates sentenced her to be imprisoned for one month
and kept to hard labour. |
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