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Home > Lincolnshire > Lincoln > Chequers Inn

Chequers Inn


The Chequers Inn was situated on 36-37 Monson Street. This pub was present by 1832 and has now been demolished with new apartments built on the site. The publican in the 1960s was John Wood.
Source: John Overton
Jim Sheery was the proprietor in the 1990’s, I worked her for a couple of years in 94-96. Jim also owned a car dismantlers and scrapyard in Lincoln. He was a true Irish gentleman. Jim had a daughter and Son, His Son Sean passed away sometime since, he would have been in his 30’s. His daughter Sharon (if I remember correctly) was married to a guy called Gareth, Gareth managed the Bar in 95-96. I left Lincoln in 96 and returned to Ireland, I often wonder how all the customers and great people I met then are doing, I’d say quiet a number of those I know have passed on it was aging Irish population who generally frequented this Bar, I also worked occasionally in O’Donaghues in the High Street and who have had a few pints in another Irish bar at the top of Scorer Street possibly. Its name slips me at the minute.
Cathaoir Corr (November 2018)

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