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Home > Lincolnshire > Billingborough > George & Dragon

George & Dragon

Date of photo: 2011

Picture source: Google Streetview

The George & Dragon was situated at 1 Victoria Street. This was a grade-II listed pub.

Listed building details:
Coaching inn, now public house. C17, C20. Colourwashed limestone rubble and ashlar, some colourwashed brick. Steeply pitched pantile roofs with 4 stock brick ridge stacks. L-plan. East side with 2 storeys and garret, and 5 bay front. Plinth. 2 canted, 2 storey bay windows in first and fourth bay, that to the right with a 3 light mullion window flanked by single lights with continuous moulded cornice. 2 light mullion window to right with moulded cornice. Doorway to left with moulded cornice, 4 centred head with dragon motifs in spandrels, overlight and partially glazed door. 3 light mullion window beyond with moulded cornice. Canted bay to left with central side blocked and flanked by single rectangular lights with continuous moulded cornice. Above, a 3 light mullion window flanked by single lights with continuous moulded cornice. 3 light mullion window to right with moulded cornice. Canted bay beyond with 3 light mullion window flanked by single lights and with a continuous moulded cornice. South side with 5 bays including the gabled bay to right and with a brick bay to left. Broad rendered first floor band. Window to right with C20 4 centred head with horizontal rectangular light above. Doorway to left with moulded cornice, overlight and panelled door. 2 three light mullion windows to left with a 2 light mullion window beyond, all with moulded cornices. Doorway to left with broad rendered lintel and partially glazed door. 4 three light mullion windows above, with 2 light mullion garret window to right, all with moulded cornices.

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