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Home > Leicestershire > Leicester > LE1 > The Griffin

The Griffin

Date of photo: 2016

Picture source: Chris Pyrah

The Griffin was situated on Belgrave Gate.  This pub closed in 2014, at which time it was known as Jaceys.
I remember stopping at this pub with a coachload of Hartlepool United football fans on the way back from a game at Aldershot.
Around 30 of us were drinking downstairs, and unbeknown to us upstairs, where some sort of disco was taking place, were the infamous football hooligan gang the Leicester City Baby Crew.
A few of them got wind of this, and we could sense trouble, so we drank up and headed back towards our coach. We were followed by a group of Baby Crew of equal numbers but who were much younger. Just as we could see our coach in the distance, it kicked off, hand to hand fighting for around 3 or 4 minutes, which is a long time I can tell you. We held our own, but a couple of our lot sustained injuries that required hospital treatment. We also got our coach window put out, that meant it was a cold journey home, as it was early in December.
Ronnie Chambers (July 2024)

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