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Home > Leicestershire > Leicester > LE1 > Dixie Arms

Dixie Arms

Picture source: Chris Pyrah

The Dixie Arms was situated at 1 St Peters Lane. This pub closed c1990 at which time it was known as The Workhouse.
My father took over as tenant in 1953, the previous landlord was Billy Mee, who was a boxing promoter, and the walls were covered with boxing memorabilia. The Fielding and Johnson hosiery factory was opposite, and the workforce all came in at lunchtime. We left in 1959 after my parents marriage ended, the new Highcross shopping centre now stands on the site. At the rear was Bond Street maternity hospital. and as a child I did errands for the new mums as they shouted from windows for me to fetch cigarette's
Patricia Bray (September 2012)

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