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Home > Lancashire > Wigan > Whitesmiths Arms

Whitesmiths Arms

Picture source: Peter Ashworth

The Whitesmiths Arms was situated at 88 Standishgate.
Cant believe the Whitesmiths Arms has closed and been turned into another crappy Mediterranean Food Joint. Going back to the Mid 1990’s I myself had a pub over t’other side o’t’hills in Otley (the Ring O’Bells) Each time Wigan met Leeds at Headingley, “Rowley” (the ex landlord Roland Carter I believe was his correct name) would rock up with a coach load of like minded Rugby League Supporters and hit our small town on the outskirts of Leeds. We would put a load of free food on the bar (Usually Pies lol) and the visiting supporters would stay in Otley all day drinking and generally having a great time. Some would go to the ground for the game and return some time later somewhat the worst for wear. One chap stands out in particular and for some reason I seem to recall his name as ‘Lemon’??? He played the squeeze box/Accordian and had the whole pub rocking there was another chap that played the fiddle but not sure of his name. They were some of my best times in my pub. I occasionally called over to the Whitesmiths just for a weekend drink and stay C/O ‘Rowley’ in the comfort of his sofa. I remember he had a Staffie called ‘Bud’ that was one crazy animal, and Rowleys dad was regularly seen helping out around the place.
Richard Wooler (June 2015)
I started using the Whitesmiths in 1967. We went there (myself and Gordon Jackson) because it served Boddingtons' and was across the road from Central Park, home of the famous Wigan Rugby League Football Club. The landlord was called Tom and he was an ex-military-Paras I think. Many were the times when we only got to the ground at half-time due to Tom's liberal interpretation of the 3 o'clock closing time. Strangely enough (and referred to in the article above) the landlord before it became an Italian Restaurent, Roland Carter was a good friend of mine. He lived across the road from me in Billinge and we used to follow Wigan RLFC home and away. Rowley was an ex-pitman who worked in enemy territory-Sutton Pit in St.Helens. Alas I believe he is no longer with us, and neither is Gordon Jackson.
John Robinson (December 2016)
Now reopened.
Simon Sheppard (December 2019)

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