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Home > Lancashire > Preston > Bowling Green Inn

Bowling Green Inn

Date of photo: c1908

Picture source: Richard Richmond

The Bowling Green Inn was situated at 197 Ribbleton Avenue. This pub was demolished in the 1910s to make way for road widening.
Source: Darren
A new pub, The Ribbleton, was built on the site. This is now known as The Ribble Lodge.
Richard Richmond (April 2012)
it was only demolished circa 1962/63, to make way for the new Tetley Brewery pub “The Ribbleton” which opened in 1963 - I had my first legal pint there, on my 18th birthday in April 64! Prior to 1962, the Bowling Green was privately owned, and had its’ own brewery. My granddad (James “Jimmy” Marsh) was one of the brewers. From approx 1951 to 1955, I lived with my parents and siblings at number 201 Ribbleton Avenue, the first of several “two-up-two-down” terraced cottages to the right of the pub. My father’s uncles (Samuel and Leonard Valentine, my grandmother’s half-brothers) were the then publicans. The bowling green (which gave the pub its’ name) was behind the cottages and was still in use up until about 1959.
Michael Marsh (December 2015)

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