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Home > Lancashire > Manchester > M8 > Swan Hotel

Swan Hotel

Picture source: Richard Cleverley

The Swan Hotel was situated on Hazelbottom Road. This pub was closed and demolished in the mid 1990s.
I used to organise 5-a-side football on a Friday night at Abraham Moss centre up the road to the Swan in the 70's and each year on the last Friday we played before Christmas, l used to treat the lads to a pint from the kitty, The week before our last game l called in to the Swan lnn on Hazelbottom Road and asked the landlady if we called in for a few drinks the following week, could she would put on a few sandwiches to have with the beer and how much it would be? I was told £10!
The following week we played and turned up for the drink and the landlady took us into a room she had set aside, where we found a large table full of sandwiches, that would have fed guests at a 21st birthday party - all for a tenner. We ate as much as we could and there was so much left. I invited the rest of the pub to help themselves. Even now 40+ years later - when we meet up we still talk about that Night!! Those really were "The good old days!!"
Anthony Pitts (December 2021)

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Name Dates Comments
Devena Magee 1960s My Grandparents Albert and Gladys had this pub for years! I lived with them here until the age of 5 with my two brothers Mark and Leon. Unfortunately Mark passed 2 years ago suddenly of a heart attack.I recall running up to the top floor and playing in the massive rooms! Sliding in our socks like we were ice skating