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Home > Lancashire > Manchester > M15 > Red Admiral

Red Admiral

Date of photo: 1993

Picture source: Alan Winfield

The Red Admiral was situated on Hulme Walk.  This was an early 1970s built estate pub which was a Robinson's tied house This is yet another pub to be pulled down during the redevelopment of this area in the late 1990s.
I and three friends lived immediately opposite the Admiral 1980-82, at 79 Hulme Walk.
It wasn't a pub, as students, that we used. The atmosphere was pretty psychotic, with the feeling something was always about to kick off. We drank at the Church, just round the corner. Other psycho pubs in the area which we learned to avoid were the Henry Royce (wrong colour), Clynes Wine Bar(not Irish enough), and the Chequered Flag (insufficiently deranged, and lacking blades and firearms).
The best memory of the Admiral was the Sunday lunchtime strippers. From the walkway outside the flat, we could get about 80% of the show, through opera glasses nicked from the Free Trade Hall.
Andy Dawson (October 2017)

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