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Home > Lancashire > Burnley > Well Hall Hotel

Well Hall Hotel

Picture source: Edward Walton

The Well Hall Hotel was situated at 22 Church Street. This pub closed in 1958.
Source: Lesley Carter
The street is now called Keirby Walk. The name ‘Keirby’ derives from the family of that surname who were brewers at the Well Hall Brewery across the road from here.
The site had been owned by the Keirby family since 1855 or earlier. 18th June 1855 there was an explosion in a brewing vessel killing John Keirby Junior and his father John died a few days later 23 June from his injuries. Interesting Mrs Keirby married Law Brown on 29th December 1855. About 1928 Masseys amalgamated with John Grimshaw Brewery
In 1938 proposal to create air raid shelters in the cellars of the Keirby Brewery for 500-600 people
In 1939 there were proposals for the site to be the Bus Station and in 1954 another proposal was making it a site for a Children’s fair and May 54 there was an application for using the site as a temporary site for miniature car races during the Burnley Fair weeks
In 1959/60 the Keirby Hotel was built across the road from the Well Hall Hotel
Edward Walton (October 2024)

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