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Home > Lancashire > Burnley > Malt Shovel

Malt Shovel

Over 60s outing, 1980

Picture source: Burnley Civic Trust Image Archive

The Malt Shovel was situated on Hargrove Avenue. This pub closed in 2009 and is now in used as a private residence.

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Terry Dugdale 1970s/1990s Used to be a customer in the shovel for many years and met some really nice people in there,I still remember Peggy and John who was the tenants and Dot the barmaid. The house was originally a doctors house and the cottages was Bob Feathers farm house,I know as I used to work on the farm and also dated the doctors daughter. Had some very good memories of the Malt Shovel and still do, such a shame it closed.
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Picture source: Peter Clarke