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Home > Lancashire > Burnley > Clough Spring Hotel

Clough Spring Hotel



The Clough Spring Hotel was situated at 8 Parker Street.
Source: Lesley Carter
In 1895 it was described as "having on the ground floor a vault bar, bar parlour, general room and kitchen. On the first and second floors it had three bedrooms and a kitchen. It was cellared throughout. It was named after the well known name of the Barrowford Brewery which had a spring of crystal-like water which rises from a bore hole 270 feet deep. and runs quite freely whatever the condition of the seasons may be. Tom Bancroft left the Red Lion Hotel on Manchester Road to take charge. He was an old army pensioner. The last tenants, Mr & Mrs Spriggs had been in possession about 15 or 16 years". This beerhouse was closed in January 1908 under the 1904 Licensing Act with £500 compensation paid for the loss of licence. Later that year it became a YMCA.
Edward Walton (August 2024)

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