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Home > Lancashire > Burnley > Bee Hive

Bee Hive



The Bee Hive was situated at 20 Marlborough Street. This pub closed in 1969.
Source: Lesley Richardson
I lived at the Beehive pub btween 1965 and 1969 which was the actual year it Closed. My Parents Ronnie and Brenda Hoole were the landlord and Landlady. It was earmarked for Demolition when they took over. It was their first pub and they got it at a very cheap rent. The area was already partially derelict but the pub was always busy. I can remember the layout of the pub very well even though i was only a child. It seemed very big to me. The accomodation was next door on Bee street and was just like any ordinary two up two down. There was no bathroom and only an outside toilet. There was an adjoining yard behind the pub where there was a ladies and gents outside toilet. These though were flush toilets unlike ours which had a long drop.
There was a heavy door co necting the house to the pub. Along a passageway on the right was a door to the cellar. It was cold down their. My mum also used it to keep food as we had no fridge. I remember the furore when tbe cat got down there and ate the Christmas Turkey. There was another staircase leading to three large empty rooms which contained lots of old pianos which we loved pretending to play. There was also a snug which resembled train carriage with a sliding door. It was very small and i think lots of card games, cribbage and Dominoes were played. Straight ahead their was the main area which was quite small and a tap room with a dartboard. Most of the ladies would sit in a small room. My dad had a juke box installed and i went to sleep every night to the hits of the sixties. I knew all the words. The children used to congregate about the phb at night while ther parents were drinking and my dad even sold sweets. There were a lot of characters went in the pub and a lot of hard drinkers but there was rarely trouble. Swearing or any kind of bad language was not tolerated. Times were hard then most of the houses were boarded up and none had baths or indoor toilets. Most were infested with cockroaches. My dad said thet the people there were the salt of the earth and you would want them at your back. I remember some names. Daddy Dick was one. We left the Beehive and Burnley in 1969. My parents became the new licencees at The Derby Arms on Newmarket Street Colne. MY Dad became President of Pendle Licenced victuallers. They later moved Back to Burnley to take over the Woodman on Todmorden Road. Taking over from Tom and Vida who had bee there since the 1930s and were both 90. My dad was also President of Burnley LVA. Being unique in holding that post in two LVAs. I have wonderful memories of all three places. My Dad sadly passed away in 2012. My mother lives off Todmorden road and my brother is currently the chef at the woodman having previously had The Woodman Restaurant in The 80s and then Chef at The Alexander Hotel which also Sadly closed.
Lorraine Hoole (December 2018)

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