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Home > Kent > Wingham > Old Ship

Old Ship

Date of photo: 2016

Picture source: Jo Turner

The Old Ship was situated on the High Street. A grade-II listed house from about 1600. The Ship Inn supposedly opened in 1914 but shows up in the 1881 census. Further investigation shows Melville's 1858 Kent directory contains the entry 'Phillips, Henry, beer retailer, Ship'. A Ship is not listed in Bagshaw's 1847 directory so presumably the pub was established between 1847 and 1858. It was converted into a house around 1975 and spent some time as a shop. It was extensively refurbished in 2005/2006 and is currently (2016) a B&B. The listed landlords include; 1891 Charles Phillips, H Champ 1914-1941, T Hogben 1941 on and John Waterman in 1974.

Listed building details:
Inn now house. C16. Timber framed and rendered with thatched roof. Three framed bays with cross passage or smoke bay. Two storeys with continuous jetty and hipped roof with stack to end left. Three leaded wooden casements on first floor and 3 canted bays on ground floor, that to left with half glazed door and half glazed door to centre right.

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