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Home > Kent > Tunbridge Wells > Joiners Arms

Joiners Arms

Picture source: www.dover-kent.com

The Joiners Arms was situated on Goods Station Road.

Source: Tony Delahunt
I can tell you that it was run by my great-great-grandfather, Ludwig Kessler. Unfortunately Ludwig was trying his luck somewhat and in 1867 he soon had a run-in with the local magistrates. He was charged with having one quart and two pint measures unmarked, although he was let off with only a one shilling fine. The local inspector of weights and measures must have been carrying out a blitz on publicans in the area, as a string of them received fines for using unstamped drinking vessels. The details come via the Tunbridge Wells Burial Society and a newspaper cutting which I haven't seen.
Ludwig was turned down on 13th September 1869 for a spirits licence to add to that of his beer licence at the Joiners Arms. The “Maidstone Journal” and “Kentish Advertiser” both reported this fact:
THE JOINER’S ARMS, GOODS STATION-ROAD.- Mr. Cripps, at the Petty Sessions, on Monday, on behalf of Mr. Ludwig Kessler applied for a license [sic] to sell spirituous liquors at his house which had been for several years kept as a beerhouse. Mr. Langham opposed on behalf of the Elephant and Castle, and Messrs. Kelsey the owners. The Bench refused to grant the application on the ground that the house was but a small one.
Ludwig had had a run-in with the Kelseys a few years previously, when he was landlord of the Rose & Crown in Tunbridge Wells. This may have been a case of getting even.
Ludwig and his family had moved to another Tunbridge Wells address by 1870, apparently ending the pub venture.
Peter Kessler (January 2019)

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