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Home > Kent > Maidstone > London Tavern

London Tavern

Picture source: Kent Online

The London Tavern was situated at 110 Week Street. It took on several names over the years and eventaully become the restaurant part of the adjascent Mu Mu pub/club (excellent by the way).
My time there was the year or two before it lost it’s original London Tavern name in the 80’s. I was a skinny heavy rock fan teen (too young to be there but nobody seemed to care) and the pub was full of bikers, Hell’s Angels and old dodgy geezers but I instantly felt I belonged. I had my first introduction to Newcastle Brown Ale which was not a common drink in the South then.
It was rough, tough, basic and had heavy rock bands. I particularly remember a fight breaking out after Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts played, where everybody just kept on drinking as if this was completely normal and insignificant.
I loved the lack of pretention and that anybody brave enough to walk in the door was welcomed

Source: Simon Riden
I remember this pub from the late 60’s early 70’s with the Johnny Young Four playing there and the Country Cousins and Autumn Vine. Great days when it was a lovely country music venue with very appreciative audience
Brenda Grant (February 2024)

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