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Home > Kent > Harrietsham > Ringlestone Inn

Ringlestone Inn




The Ringlestone Inn was situated on Ringlestone Hamlet Road. Open since 1533, it closed in April 2018 after the brewery failed to find new landlords to replace those who had run it since 2006.

This pub reopened in September 2019.
Francisca Biggs (October 2019)
The first time I went to this pub was with my boss David Bailey who owned the garage in Harrietsham. He had received a call to say that someone had stolen the battery of their car and to come at once.On the way up to the pub he explained that this was not an unusual request indicating that it was probably flat due to lack of use, hence the battery jump leads we took with us. There were two sisters from memory who were called Gascoignes and only trusted Mr Bailey, (if any one else turned up they we’re welcomed with a twelve bore shotgun). When we arrived it took a few minutes for one of them to come out clutching a very dirty rag apologising saying she had been dusting. She was dressed in a very Dickensian way and you could see her sister watching from a window. Sure enough the battery was flat which we duly sorted. Apparently the sisters only let in who they knew and the rest would be threatened with the old twelve bore.
The last time i went there was much later in years to impress a girl (it had renovated by then). Having wined and dined I duly backed my Mini Cooper into a dirt bank that pluged the exhaust, ten yards down the road I was digging out the mud from the exhaust, she was not impressed.
David Bowen (August 2020)

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