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Home > Kent > Dartford > Princes Hotel

Princes Hotel


The Princes Hotel was situated on Princes Road. Demolished in the mid 1990s, a Harvester restaurant now occupies the site.
Source: Roger Button
My Nan and Grandad used to run the pub, Charlie and Ivy Corrie. I remember going in there as a kid whilst my mum worked behind the bar. We had to sit in the back room bar with crisps and a soft drink. Over 50 years ago now.
Terry Smith (December 2022)

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Name Dates Comments
Angela Brackenbury 1977 My boyfriend Who was called Ian Brisley used to be the singer in a band Call zebadie that used to play in The Princess Hotel on a Friday Night. I always remember him singing squeeze box by the Who. And lots of Beatles songs. He played the guitar and sang. Happy days!