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Home > Kent > Cliffe > Black Bull

Black Bull

 © Copyright David Anstiss and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

The Black Bull was situated on Church Street and has now been converted into two private houses.
In the 1950s my grandma, became housekeeper to Mr Frederick Waters the landlord at the time.
The pub was large and boasted a bar, snug and public bar. Granny was always haunted there, in the cellar especially. I was haunted too, at only 7/8 I got stuck in the lav! Door refused to budge, not locked though, after a frantic search I was found and the door opened ,no problem..
Mr Waters was a naval man, a widower ,I have two shells still he gave me from his days at sea. He also had a collie dog called Patch ,who was a bit temperamental, he was chained up by the inglenook fireplace as a guard dog. My uncles Michael and David Hudson, lived there as youngsters, and still live in Kent, both now retired.
On retiring as a publican, they moved to Rochester Avenue off Star Hill Rochester.
Kate Anson (March 2015)

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