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Home > Kent > Bromley > Rising Sun

Rising Sun


The Rising Sun was situated on Bromley High Street. I used to occasionally frequent this pub that we all knew as ‘Henekeys’ - couldn’t find anything about it - however it turns out that it was actually called ‘The Rising Sun’ I assume Henekeys were the owners (and aparently had another pub in Brighton and one in Margate in the same style). The feature that always fascinated me was the central pair (or as I seem to remember 3) open coal burning hearths in the middle of the room with no visible chimney stack - which is most unusual, never seen anything like it since.
Source: Tim Hobbs

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Name Dates Comments
Gary Collins 1976/1977 I worked here behind the bar from September 1976 until the day it closed in March 1977. They played hard rock music a lot of the time, had a wooden floor and most of the time I used to crawl out at 7am in the morning. It was wild. They were great times. The Landlord and Landlady; Bob and Mary were really good to me and gave me a barstool memento! I got pulled over the Police in North street while carrying it home!