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Home > Huntingdonshire > Great Raveley > Three Horseshoes

Three Horseshoes

Date of photo: 2009

Picture source: Google Streetview

The Three Horseshoes was situated on Raveley Road. This grade-II listed pub is now in residential use.
Listed building details:
Cottage, formerly Public House. Late C17 and C19. Timber-frame, cased in C19 brick and painted. Reed thatched and hipped roof with original red brick ridge stack of two linked diagonally set shafts on a rectangular base. C19 gault brick stack added at the same time as the bay to the south-east end. Original three bay plan possibly of lobby entry type, but altered following later additions. One bay added to south-east end, a tap-room, on the front and kitchen wing at the rear. One storey and attic. On the front a dormer with a small pane horizontal sliding sash. Three ground floor windows, the openings are C19 as are two small pane horizontal sliding sashes in segmented arches. Two doorways in segmental arches. C19 brick extension in the front for a tap-room. Gabled, thatched roof. Rear kitchen wing also brick, C19. Pantiled and slate roof. Two storeys. Interior: Some exposed timber-framing in two wall trusses showing jowled post heads and side purlin roof. Wattle and daub infill. Inglenook hearth with inserted bread oven and abutting smaller hearth possibly for a former parlour.

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