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Home > Hertfordshire > St Albans > The Wellington

The Wellington

Picture source: Darkstar

The Wellington was situated at 17 Market Place. This grade-II listed pub closed c1971 and is now in commercial use.

Source: David Sherlock

My husband and I were either the last licencees or the ones before the last It was a very busy pub, with very interesting customers, especially on market days
Janet Cooke (August 2022)

Listed building details:
Early C19 3 storeys, grey brick with red dressings. Sash windows, 4 panes wide, 3 of them across whole front. Modern shop and bar fronts but Wellington P H has attractive octagonal lantern suspended from bracket. It is probably late C19. The 1st floor right hand window is modern and of mullion and transom casement form. Plain eaves with gutter. Flat pitched slate roof.

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