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Home > Herefordshire > Lyonshall > Queens Head

Queens Head

Date of photo: 2021

Picture source: Stewart Marsh

The Queens Head was situated on the A480. This grade-II listed building was present by 1840 and later known as The Maidenhead Inn. It closed in the 1960s and is now in residential use. It features in this 1961 news archive film.
Source: T C

Listed building details:
Former inn, now house. Late C15 or early C16; earlier with with later C17 additional wing; further late C19 and C20 alterations. Timber-framed on sandstone plinth with wattle-and-daub infill, now completely roughcast rendered; painted squared sandstone rubble porch; C20 tiled roof. Two parallel ranges aligned north-west/south-east with gable ends to road; lateral stacks. Entrance to right gable end and further entrance to left-hand return of left wing. Two storeys. Entrance front with two gable ends. The earlier left-hand wing projects forward and has one 2-light C20 casement window and a canted bay window with casements to the ground floor; gable end of added wing to right with two 2-light casement windows to upper floor and one 3-light casement window to right of stone porch with lead-to roof. Three-light casement window to porch to left of square-headed outer doorway; inner half-glazed door. The interior reveals the moulded bressummer and former jetty on the eastern side of the earlier wing, now enclosed in a central passageway. The close-studded timber-framing of the earlier wings is also revealed.

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