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Home > Herefordshire > Hereford > Tabard Inn

Tabard Inn

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Tabard Inn was situated at 61 Commercial Street. The building is grade-II listed and has medieval origins. The premises are now in commercial use.
Listed building details:
Shops, dwellings and inn, now offices and flats. C19 front to C17 core (No.61) with medieval origins. Stucco; hipped Welsh slate roof; 2 rendered ridge stacks. 3 storeys; 8-window range: 5 late C19, 2/2 casements with, to left, two C20 lights and, to right, tripartite casement, all in moulded stucco architraves; interrupted storeyband; similar fenestration;  corbelled eaves. No.61 has C20 shop front; remainder has various C20 lights and entrances, in rusticated stucco, under moulded storeyband. Canted return to right, with returned storeybands and two 2/2 sashes to 1st and 2nd floors.
Interior: medieval cellar, otherwise no original features remaining.

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Picture source: Hania Franek