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Home > Herefordshire > Broad Oak > Broad Oak Inn

Broad Oak Inn

Date of photo: 2009

Picture source: Google Streetview

The Broad Oak Inn was situated on the B4521. This grade-II listed pub is now in residential use.
The Broad Oak at Broad Oak was open until about 1980; the landlady there (can't remember her name) won a national competition run by a frozen food company and her pie recipe was incorporated into their range of goodies as a "Broad Oak Pie". Can't say I've seen it on sale lately!

Neil Collins


Listed building details:
House, now public house. Probably C17 with late C19 alterations and additions. Painted coursed sandstone, Welsh slate roof hipped to right and brick stacks. Roughly rectangular plan with central porch projecting southwards. Cellar and two storeys, 1:1:1 windows, 2- and 3-light late C19 casements, two-storey C19 porch has hipped roof and contains nailed and studded C17 door with strap hinges set in doorway with moulded jambs and square head

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