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Home > Hampshire > Gosport > The Wheatsheaf

The Wheatsheaf

© Copyright Basher Eyre and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

The Wheatsheaf was situated at 225 Brockhurst Road.
 I used this pub a lot in the early 70s when I first reached legal drinking age. The ‘patriarchs’ of the customers at the time were two Peters, Dewane and Stirling (plus brothers Barry and Graeme) who were crossed at your peril!! It was sacrilege to stand in their corner at the bar, and you were only allowed there at their request (or so it seemed as a greasy faced 18 year old). They had a strong Sunday football team, and a strong darts team both of which featured prominently in the local leagues (I played both, but was not good enough, or maybe confident enough to get into either) Not sure where they are now (I now live in Winchester, and only visit Gosport occasionally) though I heard that Peter Dewane was using the Queens when the Wheatsheaf closed.
Norman Gough (January 2020)

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