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Home > Hampshire > Basingstoke > The Buckskin

The Buckskin

Date of photo: 2014

© Copyright Scriniary and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

The Buckskin was situated on Blackdown Close. This pub closed in 2010 and is now used as a Chinese restaurant.

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Name Dates Comments
Samantha Maher 1970s/1980s Lived in the pub when height of discos where on.was called buckskin till na.e changed to old barn and potters. Was done up into disco pub.
Steve Finn 1973/1990 I loved the Buckskin. Moving from one bar to the other. I remember it opening around 1973. There were a few fights in the pub and car park but that seemed normal in those days for 16 to 17 year olds. No knives though.
Disco on a Monday night live band on a Thursday. Chaos I think they were called. Friday and Saturday was a meeting point before going of to Carnival Hall on a Friday and Top Rank Reading on a Saturday. Than a Disco on a Sunday.