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Home > Essex > Ilford > General Havelock

General Havelock

Picture source: John Parker

The General Havelock was situated on High Road. This pub closed in January 2012.
This pub has now reopened as The General.
Colin Price (August 2012)
Now reverted back to the original name of The General Havelock.
Colin Price (August 2015)
I was born inside the General Havelock in March 1975,my mum was a barmaid it was reported in the ilford recorder under the headline pint size Kelly is born.
Kelly Osborne (July 2018)
Closed again.
Colin Price (September 2024)

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Name Dates Comments
Paul Fuller 1971/1972 I worked in a furniture store opposite (Killwicks) The General Havelock was a great watering hole lunchtime and evenings after work. Sometimes with a colleague called John Stevens.
Roger Gilbertson 1970s I worked at Ensign Motor Policies nearby in the '70s and was a regular customer there. I remember an Irish barmaid called Margaret. I occasionally did some DJing there upstairs.
Other Photos
Date of photo: 2015

Picture source: Colin Price