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Home > Durham > Annfield Plain > The Plainsman

The Plainsman

Picture source: Neville Bougourd

The Plainsman was situated at 21 Front Street. This pub was previously called The Stanhope & Tyne Railway Hotel. It closed following a fire on 30th May 2012.
Source: Dean Hardy
it was originally built in 1835 and known by that name at least into the 1970s. it was built by Charles Allen out of his profits from making embankments and cuttings along that railway line. It was built complete with a substantial brewery, dray sheds and a loading gantry as well as a detached house and a short terrace of houses for employees to live in. All of this was demolished many years before the pub burnt down.
Neville Bougourd (August 2017)

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Picture source: Neville Bougourd