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The Mitre
Picture source:
Adrian Harding |
The Mitre was situated on the junction
of Westbury and Lower Acreman Street.
It has now been converted to apartments. |
Source: Mike Smith |
This pub dates back to 1625. and was grade-II listed
in 1973. |
Adrian Harding (February 2021) |
building details: |
Formerly shown as the Mitre Inn. C18
to C19 2 storey house on corner between Lower Acremmn Street and Westbury 4
window front facing Westbury. Slate roof with hip. Sash windows with glazing
bars intact. 6-panelled door; 4-light fanlight. Iron bracket and bar extend
from main front of house. Nos 2 and 3, Digby Estate Nos 166 and 167 and The
Old Mitre form a group with Outbuilding to south of premises occupied by P J
Stainer. Also forms a group with the listed buildings on the West Side of
Westbury from A and W Prout to Harley House, with Penarth House and
Pinehaven. |
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