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Home > Devon > Torquay > The Falcon

The Falcon


The now derelict Town House on Abbey Rd used to be The Falcon. All that remains of this quite popular hostelry is a large carved bird of prey on the roof. During the early part of the 20th century, the Falcon had two life size statues outside of the mythological characters Gog and Magog. These statues used to be connected with a clock that was situated at Paignton’s Redclyffe Towers between 1875 and 1882. Before that they adorned the home of Sir John Bennett of Cheapside, London. Advertising the Falcon before the Great War was a sign saying:

For the best of bitter
For visitors, civility and attention
For spirits of the best quality
For the latest novelties
F or electric light throughout
For breakfasts and wayzgooses
For tripe suppers
For a chop or quick steak
Go to the Falcon, Abbey Road

Source: Kevin Dixon

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