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Home > Derbyshire > Whaley Bridge > White Hart

White Hart



The White Hart was situated on Market Street.  This ancient pub features in the well known book by Isabella Linnaeus Banks the" Manchester Man “written in the 1880’s. Even before then it was a choice coaching inn on the way to Buxton.
Source: Mary Huddy

Listed building details:
Public house of early and mid C19 appearance on earlier core. Dated inside, on stone formerly in outside wall, I H 1734. Lower cellar, now walled in, has vaulted roof. Blocked mullion windows in present cellar, formerly the drinking room. Road elevation rendered, carved as stone and painted with plinth, is of mid C19. The building is canted to the site. 2 windows above 2, hung sashes, with 1 window above 1 to the left-hand build, and door in stone surround with small cornice. 3 chimneys, rendered and carved as stone with moulded cornices. Rear elevation, formerly the front elevation, is of the early C19, coursed stone. 1 window with hung sashes with glazing bars, stone lintel. The White Hart is mentioned in the late C19 novel by Mrs G Linnaeus Banks 'The Manchester Man'.

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