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Home > Derbyshire > Pinxton > Miners Arms

Miners Arms

Date of photo: 2009

cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Dave Bevis - geograph.org.uk/p/1139995

The Miners Arms was situated on Church Street West. It has now been turned into a private house. The pub was kept by my grandfather in the 1940s and 1950s, but I don't have too many memories of the pace as my grandfather disliked children, and we rarely visited him there.
Source: Fran Kemmish 
Fifty-four year-old miner and father-of-six Alfred Swinscoe disappeared after drinking in the pub on 27th January 1967. He was last seen giving money to son Gary to buy a round, and then left to use the outside toilet, never to be seen again. In April 2023, human remains were uncovered four miles away in a field on farmland in Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts, and later determined to be those of Swinscoe, whose bones revealed evidence of a significant stab injury and blunt force trauma. Nottinghamshire Police subsequently launched a murder inquiry, and in August 2024 determined that they had identified two suspects involved in the killing, albeit both had since passed away.
Movement80 (August 2024)

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Name Dates Comments
Anthony Deane 1979-1986 My dad was the landlord during these years.