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Home > Cumberland > Penrith > Two Lions

Two Lions

Picture source: Peter Ashworth

The Two Lions was situated on Great Dockray. This grade-II listed pub was one of the oldest buildings in Cumberland.

Listed building details:
C17 and C18. Roughcast over stone, 2 low storeys. Old moulded doorway with 4-centred head and studded door, a 16-paned sash window on each floor, and an additional new window above. Added porch on right and gabled wing farther right. Another old doorway to left with shaped lintel, with stable and loft farther left. An ogee headed opening in passage to rear. Rear has blocked stone-mullioned window with label, re-used date stone. Stone stables with sashes. Fine plaster ceiling with heraldic shields of Lowther family.

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Name Dates Comments
Shaune Martin 1990/1998 Great memories of days and nights spent in this pub.