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Home > Cumberland > Brampton > Olde Scotch Arms

Olde Scotch Arms

Picture source: Fred Long

The Olde Scotch Arms was situated on Main Street. This pub is now used as a bed & breakfast establishment.
Grade II Listed early 18th century former hotel, probably originally a house. The property underwent an extensive refurbishment in 2014/2015 and is now operating as a Bed & Breakfast or self catering accommodation. According to the Scotch Arms Mews website there was a building here in 1603 and the core of this building is 1673. A Presbyterian vicar set up a congregation in Brampton and the Scotch Arms was used a meeting house for many years to follow. In 1732 large alterations to the building took place and a second storey added. In the yard was a row of stables, with an outside staircase leading up to where hay and stable hands would stay. Up to 25 horses could be stabled here. The rear yard of the Scotch Arms Inn has also been used as a cattle mart. It was first recorded as being an Inn in 1839. A search of my directories indicates Main Street was previously called Back Street. The first of my directories with Main Street is 1894. The results of the search are; 1847 Robert Lawson; 1858 John Hetherington (& farmer); 1873-1897 William Routledge; 1906-1914 Thomas H Scott.
Steve Turner (July 2023)

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Date of photo: 2023

Picture source: Steve Turner