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Home > Cornwall > Launceston > Ring O'Bells

Ring O'Bells


The Ring O'Bells was situated on Fore Street. This pub was closed in 1930 and is now in residential use.
The building faces onto what is now a pedestrian walkway, but in the C19 this was one of the main routes into the town, coming up the hill from the north gate. The street was known as Fore Street. There is what is believed to be a detached malthouse in the rear courtyard. This two storey rectangular building has now been incorporated into the house and is used as a kitchen on the ground floor with seating area on the floor above. The house has a cross passage with relatively narrow front rooms either side. Behind these rooms the staircase takes up the area on the right whilst what must have originally been the kitchen is on the left
Heritage Gateway (October 2020)

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