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Home > Buckinghamshire > Stoke Goldington > White Hart

White Hart

Picture source: Darkstar

The White Hart was situated at 66 High Street. This pub was known as The Malting House at time of closure.
From The Good Pub Guide 1983:
Thatch and stone outside, and a thoroughly traditional public bar, don't quite prepare you for the plush comfort of the carpeted lounge with its Redoute roses on the walls, or even the elegant green wallpaper in the main saloon bar, which has Windsor chairs on its quarry tiles. Bar food includes cheese rolls (40p), sausage in French bread (50p), quarter-pound beefburger (80p), Cheddar ploughman's (£1.30), fish and chips (£1.70) and chicken curry (£1.70); Wells Eagle on handpump, and Wyborowa Polish vodka as well as the potent warmer, Woods 100 proof navy run. The back of the lively public bar, which has a collection of brass keys hanging from its beams, is given over to darts, shove-ha'penny, hood skittles and dominoes. There is a small sheltered back lawn, with a swing, as well as tables.

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Barry Shilton 1979/1984 Publican, with wife, Kay.
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Picture source: Darkstar