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Home > Buckinghamshire > High Wycombe > Micklefield Inn

Micklefield Inn

Date of photo: 1955

Picture source: Simonds Hop Leaf Gazette

The Micklefield Inn was an estate pub situated on Micklefield Road. This pub opened in July 1955 and closed c2005. It has now been demolished with flats built on the site.
Source: Movement80
From The Hop Leaf Gazette, 1955, the Simonds Brewery in house magazine:
The newest and one of the most pleasant public houses in Great Britain was opened by Mr E Duncan Simonds on July 28 last year on the Micklefield Estate on the outskirts of High Wycombe.
Called The Micklefield Inn, its architecture and its interior decoration and furnishing astonished and delighted the large crowd of visitors.
It is a modern house in the best sense of the word. Combining comfort and spacious accommodation in delightfully colourful surrounds. The public bar with its gold painted piano; its Games Corner and its wheel-back chairs - made locally in the traditional High Wycombe style - and its modern prints and gay curtains, rather took away the breaths of the first customers who were immediate and whole-hearted in their approval.
The ballet provides the motif for the deep carpeted lounge. This theme runs through the modern prints and the curtains. The walls are alternate panels of pale walnut and dark oak. Both bars fitted with the newest types of "weatherfoil" heating.
In a short address at the opening, Mr Simonds wished the new tenants, Mr and Mrs C F Luttman, many successful years in this new house. He said that it was in 1930 that the firm had first taken an interest in the town of High Wycombe. We then had 55 houses there. By careful planning and with the full support of the Licensing Bench this number had been reduced to 43. In all the Company had spent £335,000 on building in the town and the effect on local industries and on employment had been considerable. He congratulated Mr R E Southall on an excellent architectural achievement, and Mr R Howie on the admirable interior decoration.

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Opening night, 1955

Picture source: Simonds Hop Leaf Gazette