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Home > Buckinghamshire > Beaconsfield > Old Hare

Old Hare

Old Hare, Beaconsfield

© Copyright Ivan Hall and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

The Old Hare was situated at Aylesbury End and is now used as a pizza restaurant.
Sitting outside the Old Hare in Beaconsfield Old Town, in the car with my little brother. Most Saturday lunchtimes. Given drinks and a packet of crisps. We used to fight. But he never told on me. And other Saturday lunchtimes having treacle tart and ice cream for pud, served by the large waiter, Fred, at The Earl of Beaconsfield. Much later, when I was eighteen, stopping off for a ginger beer shandy on the way home. The Earl was between the station and my empty home. Mother recently dead, and Father avoiding home as much as possible, to work.
Lynda Scott-Williams (January 2023)

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