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Home > Bedfordshire >
Aley Green > British Workman
British Workman
The British Workman was situated on
Mancroft Road. |
The majority of references in Bedfordshire &
Luton Archives & Records Service to this beerhouse are in the J. W. Green
archive. Licensing records show that it opened for business in 1892 and was
owned by the licensee until purchased by J. W. Green Limited in 1934. J. W.
Green merged with Flowers in 1954 and the new company took the Flowers name.
The property was an off-licence which also catered for customers on the
premises. The house closed in 1961.
The countywide licensing register of 1903 gave the owner's name as Charles
Twose. It was in "fair repair, clean" and lay 114 yards from the British
Workman. It's only public door was at the front of the property.
In 1927 the premises were valued, as an off-licence, under the 1925 rating
Valuation Act. The valuer found it an "extraordinary place" it had two
reception rooms, two living rooms and two sculleries downstairs with five
bedrooms above; outside it had a barn and earth closet as well as a chicken
house, water came from a nearby well. The business sold cigarettes and
tobacco as well as about a barrel of beer per week and two dozen bottles of
At some time after it was closed the building was demolished. |
Bedfordshire Archives (July 2023) |
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